Build the Base of the Window Seat

13. Building the window seat

Let's talk about the critical stage - developing the seat by the window. To start with, you need to concentrate on establishing the foundation. This segment is the core of the window seat, so you should ensure that you take as much time as is required, have a break, and you can arrange all things together before you start development. At the first step, you need to begin by slicing two two-by-fours to 60 inches long each. 

Next, sliced five planks to 12 inches each by reusing the waste material. Set these two 60 inches boards perpendicular with five 12-inch planks. It means that one at the middle (30 inches), one at each end, and the staying two panels between the others — at the 15-inch mark. Utilize the speed square for controlling, checking, and afterward, nail them together in the framework.
