Real Nice

There are certain behaviors that individuals engage in that can only be described as trashy, as they serve no other purpose than to be rude or mean-spirited. It's a frustrating reality of life that some people exhibit such thoughtlessness in their actions. Take, for example, a student who, for whatever reason, did not wish to use a typewriter on a particular day. While there were several reasonable alternatives available to address their reluctance, such as taking a break from the task or completing it differently, they chose to pursue an entirely different course of action. Instead of opting for any of the more sensible solutions, they decided to sabotage the typewriter by inserting a piece of chewed gum into it, rendering it inoperable.

Such actions not only demonstrate a complete lack of consideration for others but also exemplify a level of rudeness that serves no purpose other than to disrupt and inconvenience. The incident underscores the importance of adhering to basic principles of respect and consideration for shared resources and spaces, as well as the need to choose more appropriate and constructive ways to address personal preferences and grievances.
