Splashing objects into the water!

34. Splashing objects

You will need a solid-colored background and a sufficiently sizeable clear tub to take this type of photo. Here are some advices for you. First, your flash light should come from a good angle to prevent glare or distortion. Furthermore, try to aim your camera at an angle that could capture all of your objects. Before starting the prjects, make sure you got all the settings figured out to avoid wasting time.

Splashing objects into the water!

Note that a professional camera with a fast shutter speed is the best option for this, as they tend to have better focus, which should result in sharper images. Moreover, these pictures often help to show off the objects' freshness and vitality, so you should try to mix up the background image and types of fruit to send different messages and emotions for each photo. Get as many ideas in as possible.
