5. "Doesn't this HOA just despise automobiles?"

My HOA horror stories all focus on my experiences as a dispatcher dealing with them. The fact that a homeowners' association does not want cars parked on their street has nothing to do with whether or not it is lawful, and there is no debate. Regardless of whether you like it or not, the police can't legally tow a car that isn't parked in violation of any law, but they will argue and demand to speak with the chief of police.

"Doesn't this HOA just despise automobiles?"
Towing people because they don’t like cars… sheesh. Shutterstock.

“Sigh… edit. I'm referring to cars parked on neighborhood public roadways, as stated by the sentence "isn't parked in violation of any law." Since parking a car without permission on someone's private land does not apply to that remark, it's clear that's not what I meant." - [deleted userHOA ]'s story.
