3. Protecting your child appears to be an "Eyesore."

My parents live in an area where a number of a local doctors practice. One has about six children, the youngest of whom has severe autism and is nonverbal. He's approximately 5 or 6, and he enjoys riding his little tricycle in their extended driveway. He'd do it for hours on end. His mother stayed at home with him for the most part, and she and her husband were worried that if they looked away, he'd drive into the road. So they went out and bought some orange construction netting, which they planned to drape over the end of the driveway while he was out there and then remove when they returned inside.

Protecting your child in this neighborhood appears to be an "Eyesore."
This family was just trying to protect their child. Shutterstock.

"I've always believed that keeping him secure was a good idea. Regardless, several residents in the vicinity were not pleased, calling it an "eyesore," and a meeting was called. It devolved into accusations on how they were caring for their son and how the netting made the neighborhood look "ignorant." No one gave any other options, and this family became so enraged that they packed their belongings and moved within a month. This happened around 3-4 years ago, and the house is still on the market. According to the father, they live someplace in the country, and the son is doing well in his new home. And he continues to ride his bike for hours."
