22. These people are bent over weed.

"My father lived for a short time in an area with HOA. He was so miserable that he left even though he was renting as soon as the terms allowed. He went crazy because HOA kept assuming he was a weed in the front lawn. However, a gardener was on the lease, and he spoke to the gardener several times and informed the landlord, but she would still point to the clause saying he must pay the HOA penalty.

These people are bent over weed.
What do they have against the elderly?

"They also said he was also the one who caused the oil stain on the driveway there before he moved in. I'm not sure if he paid for any of those oil stains. I would have guessed that he talked about it with some of his neighbors because he said that other neighbors in the neighborhood who were law enforcement were quoted a lot. He suspects someone has a grudge against the police and is abusing the HOA system." - Flower story of infatuation.
