19. When a cat goes missing, HOA makes it more challenging.

"I had a cat named Maine Coon (or part of Maine Coon) when I was 20. I saved him as a kitten. It's the only pet I've ever had, and I'm more attached to it than to any other animal. However, it went missing, and I quickly made posters and taped them to a few stop signs in my (large) neighborhood. HOA called that number to inform me that they were taking down the posters because I had broken specific rules. They asked me to see their website for proper procedure.

When a cat goes missing, HOA makes it more challenging.
Posting missing cat signs is totally normal. Shutterstock.

"It said I had to stake posters, a certain distance from the stop sign, and they wouldn't let me post more than FOUR of them in this wooded neighborhood. I have to stick at 4-way stops and time in a few days. I was forced to follow their rules. But a day later, I kept getting another call that they had taken down my posters, which I still don't understand. She explained, "I think the man who took the posters down found the posters ugly and made the neighborhood look bad." I still look for my cat. I put up posters on bulletin boards next to the pool and the corner shop. Then I went door to door, but I never found my cat. Neighbors have seen coyotes in the area, so perhaps the posters won't help. But how terrible it is to know that their procedures are more important than the grief of a neighbor or the happiness of a beloved lost pet." - US story of [deleted user].
