16. A Neighborhood Predator and a "Damaged" Mailbox… yes, and there's a hawk, too

“We received a violation letter from the HOA stating that we needed to replace our mailbox because it was broken and that we would be penalized $25 per day until we did so. I walked out to inspect the mailbox because it appeared to be pretty new.

A Neighborhood Predator and a "Damaged" Mailbox… yes, and there's a hawk, too
This hawk was the root of the problem. Shutterstock.

"They came out to confirm it was, and I received another letter." More bird feces. According to a few hours of observation, a hawk was perched on the mailbox, stalking a chipmunk that was residing in the area near our mailbox. So I went to the garden store and bought a bottle of 'predator pee,' which is supposed to scare small animals away, and sprinkled it about the mailbox, which caused the chipmunk to flee. The issue has been resolved. Regrettably, I did not give the HOA an envelope stuffed with the items."
