15. The HOA Queen of Power (Part 2)

"She called because my HOA fees were 'past due.' I explained to her that there is no HOA here, which is why we purchased this home. She inquired if we would be using the roads, to which I replied that we would. To which she said, "Well, you have to pay to use my roads." It's called Property Tax, I told her. I told her that she should never contact me again.

The HOA Queen of Power (Part 2)
That woman really said HER roads? Shutterstock.

It's amusing that some people join in the HOA. Stop signs worth $15,000 were just installed. There are five intersections!! She wants to resurface the road, which is nearly a mile long!! Good luck with that; I'll gladly be the one that dries her clothes outside!! "DO NOT BUY IN A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION!!"
