14. The HOA Queen of Power (Part 1)

"Our neighborhood's phony HOA!" It began as a friendly gesture. 75.00 per year is a bargain. They cleared roads, several Spring dumpsters were placed, and a Summer BBQ was held. Then the bored housewife with nothing better to do rose to the position of HOA President. They held ‘elections' meetings and, of course, doubled the HOA cost.

The HOA Queen of Power (Part 1)
This woman became hungry with the power of the HOA presidency. Shutterstock.

"She mentioned new street signs, new roads, sidewalks, and gates at the neighborhood's entry." Keeping in mind that they built our house in the 1940s, it was the original property. I suppose the owners sold off the property for the residences around us. There are no common areas, a neighborhood pool, a park, or paths. I declined to pay dues or participate in the little HOA club."
