Ron Perlman / Hellboy

Ron Perlman underwent an astonishing transformation to bring the character of Hellboy to life on the big screen. He entrusted the intense makeup task to Jake Garber, a master of art direction, animatronics, and puppetry. The prosthetics used in the transformation covered Perlman's entire face, leaving only his eyelids untouched, and the application process alone took a staggering four hours.

To achieve the authentic Hellboy look, Perlman's entire body was painted red, and meticulous shading was employed to enhance the realism of the character's appearance. The dedication required for this extensive makeup routine is remarkable, and it's hard to imagine the patience it must have taken to sit in a makeup chair for such an extended period. Ron Perlman's commitment to the role, combined with the exceptional craftsmanship of the makeup team, resulted in a memorable and iconic portrayal of Hellboy in the film.
