Olga In A Corner?

Around 900 CE, a woman named Olga was in a challenging predicament in Eastern Europe. She had married Igor, the future king of Kievan Rus (now Kyiv), and together they had a son named Svyatoslav. Tragically, a rival tribe called the Drevlians killed King Igor when Svyatoslav was still a young child, leaving him fatherless. The Drevlian killers, with a sinister agenda, proposed that Olga marry their king, Mal, to gain control over the region. However, Olga had very different plans in mind. She sought to become the kingdom's regent until Svyatoslav grew old enough to assume the throne.

Olga's fierce determination and unwillingness to yield to those who had murdered her husband led her down a path of revenge. When King Mal of the Drevlians attempted to persuade Olga to accept his proposal by sending a delegation of twenty men, Olga responded with chilling ruthlessness and had them buried alive. Undeterred, she continued her relentless pursuit of vengeance, devising a cunning plan to avenge her husband's death.
