The Truman Show
The town of Seaside, Florida was used for the Truman Show. Credit: Bloomberg

10. The Truman Show

Truman Burbank has a perfect life. He was a life insurance agent married a beautiful woman, and everyone in town seemed to like him. One day he realized the ideal small town he grew up in was fake. Most moviegoers think the town was filmed in a Hollywood studio. They don't think there will be such a real place in the world. However, the town from the Truman Show exists, and it's called Seaside, Florida.

 The Truman Show
In The Truman Show, the main character lives in the perfect fictional community. Credit: YouTube

The seaside town was founded in 1970 by Robert and Daryl Davis. They build houses that look almost the same or at least stick together. This is a fantastic example of the New Urban architecture movement in creating a small town where everything looks perfect. In real life, the house where Truman Burbank lives sells for $ 11.8 million.
