Pool Room
Threads Magazine

11. Pool Room

Elvis enjoyed playing pool and was a fierce competitor. In 1973, he had his own billiards room built. The entire space was draped in the same fabric. The same vivid, multicolored abstract fabric covers the ceiling, walls, and couches. The paisley pleated fabric took three workers ten days to cover the entire space. The pool room is covered by more than 400 yards.

Pool Room
Photo Credit: Kat Last

The pool table in the room's center is enormous and covered in grey felt. A little tear in the felt remains from when one of Elvis' pals attempted a trick shot. A custom-made stained glass lamp rests over the pool table. Three Louis XV chairs occupy one corner, continuing Elvis' French aesthetic from the living room. An iconic Toulouse-Lautrec can-can girl poster is on the wall, and the couches have various Indian accent cushions.
