Mother's advice isn't always the best.

23. Mother's advice isn't always the best.

Joejoewhisky, a Reddit user, has struggled to cope with their mother's actions. "My mother completely trashes every space she ventures into," they write. Will not throw anything away, even containers. She keeps newspapers all over the house if she needs them or can use them for something else; she's still looking for ways to save money. She's terrible, though, because she has three storage units stuffed with more shi*. At this point, it's comparable to a mortgage payment. I can't visit her because there's nowhere to sit; you can't have a vacation at her house because there's nowhere to put my belongings. Why do they behave in this manner? They have lost awareness of their lives to scattered rubbish."

Mother's advice isn't always the best.

Unluckily, when it comes to mental illness, this is all too normal. It isn't all about making poor life choices; after all, who wants to live like that in a good mood? These choices have been made. However, there is a slew of underlying problems. We need to stand behind people like this and try to enlist their assistance where we can. If you can not get professional support, a trip to the library for some books may be an excellent place to start. It is a free resource; sometimes, self-help books will provide a list of websites to go for more detail.
