Use dried fruits and herbs for decoration

7/ Use dried fruits and herbs for decoration!

The image of snow-covered in vibrant colors of fruits and herbs has something of an appeal. Maybe it's because we unconsciously associate the freshness of snow and water with the nutrition of fruit. You can recreate that image at home very quickly! Use any fruit you want, like apples, pears, berries, and cover them with a layer of fake snow.

Use dried fruits and herbs for decoration

If you don't like fake fruit, why not try dried fruit? Cut lemons and oranges thinly and dry them in the sun for a day or two. Water evaporates and leaves its scent behind essential oils. Also, they will smell good and won't stick. You can make a wreath from it as a decorative accessory or use it as a decoration! If you still don't like dried fruit, why not try using fresh herbs? Arrange fresh herbs such as rosemary or thyme around scented candles. The warmth from the lit candle emits the aroma of the spices.
