#8: Make Believe

It's no secret that many people tend to exaggerate on their applications and resumes. However, it's rare for someone to openly admit to it. In this confession, an individual reveals that they lied on most of their application to the University of Pennsylvania. Not only that, but they took it a step further by stalking their interviewer's social media accounts to get a sense of their personality and interests. While their deceptive tactics paid off and they got accepted into the school, one wonders if the risks were worth the rewards.

While it's understandable to want to make a good impression during an interview, resorting to deception and stalking can have negative consequences in the long run. Honesty and authenticity are highly valued qualities in both academic and professional settings, and starting off on the wrong foot could lead to future problems. It's important to remember that success achieved through dishonest means is often short-lived and ultimately unsatisfying.
