#9: Size Matters

Height seems to be a significant factor for some women when it comes to dating, and this phenomenon is evident on dating apps. Some women set a minimum height requirement for potential matches, which can be frustrating for men who don't meet these standards. In this confession, a man had a real-life encounter with a woman who was extremely concerned with height, and it left him flabbergasted.

Upon arriving at the woman's apartment, he noticed a piece of tape at the 6-foot mark on her door. It was evident that the tape served as a tool for assessing the height of guys who came over without asking them outright how tall they were. While the man didn't seem too concerned since he flexed that he's 6'3", it still bothered him enough to confess it anonymously. It's unclear what happens to men who fail the tape test, but it's possible that they are rejected solely based on their height, which is unfortunate. The emphasis on height as a dating requirement perpetuates unrealistic and shallow beauty standards, which can be harmful to self-esteem and confidence.
