Stuck Inside Something New

While we've previously delved into the challenges of dealing with polo necks, it's high time we shine a spotlight on a different but equally frustrating clothing issue – the perplexingly small neck openings found in some garments. It's a puzzling phenomenon that continues to baffle, especially considering these neck holes can be exceptionally minuscule. A case in point is depicted here, where an individual attempted to slip into their brand-new Pretty Little Thing top, only to find themselves trapped within the garment's tight confines. The sheer diminutiveness of the neck hole is truly striking and raises questions about the practicality of such designs.

The inconvenience of this clothing problem becomes especially palpable when it unfolds within the confines of a dressing room. Picture the scene: you're trying on clothes, and suddenly, you're trapped in a garment that refuses to cooperate. The last thing anyone wants is sweating and struggling to extricate themselves from a seemingly inescapable clothing item. It's a situation that can easily transform a shopping trip into a stressful ordeal.
