9. Color-Coordinate Your Wardrobe

9. Color-Coordinate

You might think we're crazy if we propose this as a strategy to declutter your wardrobe. However, there is an excellent explanation behind it (well, a few good reasons). There are numerous advantages to having an article of color-coded clothing, mainly if you are OCD. To begin with, it aids you in swiftly identifying the products you own that are duplicates. You might not know how many black dresses you have until they're all hanging next to each other in your closet.

9. Color-Coordinate Your Wardrobe

It will assist you in rapidly identifying similarities, and you will be better informed when deciding what to keep and discard. It's OK to have many different objects in the same color because we all have varied color preferences, but you don't need five of the same thing. Color coordination also aids in the appearance of tight and organized clothing. It would help if you ideally motivated yourself to maintain this area tidy and clean. It may also dissuade you from adding new elements to the mix that aren't necessary.
