20. Make no more excuses.

20. Make no excuses.

Perhaps you have a small closet and are concerned that cleaning it out will leave you with little space to store all you have. Maybe you're too busy or, let's face it, you don't want to clean out your closet. These explanations may appear reasonable, but consider how much time you waste in the mornings because your closet is disorganized. Consider the people who will benefit from the items you will be donating. What matters is that you stop making excuses and go to work.

20. Make no more excuses.

Excuses are a lot easier to come up with than really organizing your closet. It's also difficult to let go of stuff, which is why we keep dragging this duty to the bottom of our to-do list. Excuses, on the other hand, will not get you far. You'll know why you should have done this a long time ago, the instant you start! Set yourself an incentive for doing this, as we indicated before, to help you quit making excuses. After you've cleared out your closet, you could even reward yourself with a new item.
