19. Set aside a morning to complete the task.

19. Set aside a time to complete the task.

You have not cleaned out your closet yet because you haven't taken the time to sit down and do it. For example, if you work a 9-5 during the week, set aside a Saturday morning to clean out your closet. Find a time that works best for you if you have a varied schedule. Make any necessary preparations to put yourself in a good attitude. Make yourself a delicious brunch, put on some music, and perhaps even make a mimosa to drink. Just make sure you put in the time and effort necessary to complete the task!

19. Set aside a morning to complete the task.

You should put this project on your calendar or timetable to don't waste time on other things. Then you'll be able to create excuses! Although it may be the last thing on your mind on a weekend, now is the most fantastic time to do it. You should put this project in your calendar/schedule, so you don't forget about it. Then you'll be able to justify your actions! Although it may be the last thing on your mind on a weekend, now is the most fantastic time to do it.
