16. There are a few things you should keep in mind.

16. There are a few things you should keep in mind.

Finding the things that bring you joy is Marie Kondo's criterion for determining what to keep. But, on a more practical level, how do you decide what you need to keep and what may be given away, recycled, or thrown away? Prepare a list of criteria for determining which items are worth keeping ahead of time. Is this item of clothing a good fit? Is it something I've worn in the last year? Is this Nokia brick phone from the 1990s going to make a difference in my life? Most likely not; You should remove it. The main thing is to have criteria in place, so you don't get overwhelmed.

16. There are a few things you should keep in mind.

It assists you in completing the process and offers you an idea of what should be kept and discarded. You can also make a method that you utilize all year to make your total clean-up easier. Turn everything inside out after you've worn it; everything that hasn't been turned inside out by the end of a defined period should be given away. That is only one of the various methods for keeping track of what you have and haven't worn. You'll be able to tell what you should maintain this way!
