15. You must have a strategy in place before you begin.

15. Have a strategy before you begin.

Let me be the first to advise you that you need a plan if you haven't cleaned out your closet in years and have let things accumulate. Otherwise, you might become overwhelmed and opt for an all-day Netflix binge rather than cleaning out your closet. You also don't want to be paralyzed by the dread of wasting something essential. Before you begin cleaning out your closet, make a plan to help you determine what you should keep and what you should discard. The entire procedure will run much more smoothly.

15. You must have a strategy in place before you begin.

You also don't have to clean out your entire closet in one day. Instead, take it one step at a time to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the process. Make a plan to conquer the hanging section of your closet one day. After a few days, you can clean out your sock and underwear drawer. You might wear your jammies and sportswear on the weekend. You won't have clothes scattered all over the room, causing a mess if you divide it into sections. Stick to your game plan and take pleasure in the process of decluttering your closet. You can even listen to some of your favorite music to help you stay motivated.
