12. You've Boarded the Marie Kondo Express

12. You've Boarded the Marie Kondo Express

Millions of individuals have been inspired to clean out their closets due to Marie Kondo's book and subsequent series about tidying up and organizing your life. She demonstrated that getting rid of clutter is about more than just simplifying your life; it's also about appreciating what you already have. Marie is passionate about helping individuals to hold on to the things that offer them joy. Everything that doesn't help them live a better life is thrown out.

12. You've Boarded the Marie Kondo Express

Those wasted items can enhance the lives of others by being donated to a thrift store or a charity. You can undoubtedly locate many things in your closet right now that don't make you happy any longer. It may be the jacket you wore when you and your ex-boyfriend called it quits. Now is the time to get rid of that energy! What about those holes in your socks in your drawer that irritate you every time you bring them out and rediscover the spot? Today is the last day to say farewell! Fill your life with happiness, and this includes your attire.
