Julia Roberts

Just like her fellow actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts shares a deep concern for the environment and has taken steps to address it. One notable change she has made is reducing her frequency of showers. This conscious decision is not solely based on personal hygiene but rather aims to conserve water resources. Additionally, she refrains from using deodorant due to similar environmental concerns. It is reassuring to learn that her choices are driven by selfless motives in the long run.

It is worth noting that Julia Roberts, much like her counterpart Leonardo DiCaprio, has expressed genuine worries about the environment and has actively made adjustments to align with these concerns. As part of her efforts, she has opted to shower less frequently, not only for personal reasons but primarily to conserve water resources. Furthermore, she has chosen to abstain from using deodorant due to her belief that it can negatively impact the environment. It is encouraging to know that her choices stem from a selfless perspective in the end.
