The Power of Truth: Reflections on Boys and Carbs 

In a world where the truth can be elusive and hard to find, the internet has become a safe haven for those who seek it out. It's a place where strangers can offer comfort and share undeniable truths about life, saving us time and effort. For example, one such truth is that boys won't hesitate to tell you if you've gained weight. While they might be quick to lie about other things, when it comes to your physical appearance, they will speak the truth without being asked. This can be a hard pill to swallow, but it's a reminder that honesty is an important quality, even when it's difficult to hear.

Another undeniable truth is the powerful lure of carbs. No matter how much we try to resist, many of us find ourselves running to them time and time again. It's a love-hate relationship that we can't seem to escape, unless we make a conscious decision to change our preferences. But even then, the pull of comfort food can be strong, and it's important to recognize that the struggle is real. These truths may be hard to accept, but they can also be liberating in their honesty, reminding us to embrace our flaws and weaknesses while striving to be our best selves.
