Sebastian Michaelis

Breaking away from the tradition of insuring conventional body parts, Sebastian Michaelis introduces a truly unique and unexpected entry – his taste buds. Michaelis, known for his meticulous work as a tea taster, dedicates over four months to crafting a single bag of tea, making tasting teas a labor-intensive endeavor. With a remarkable career that includes tasting more than 300,000 teas and the ability to discern numerous flavors, his taste buds have become invaluable.

Given his exceptional expertise, Michaelis's employers took the unusual step of insuring his taste buds for slightly over $1 million. This peculiar insurance arrangement values his taste buds at just over $100, considering the human tongue harbors around 10,000 taste buds. While this insurance may appear unconventional, it aligns with the unique nature of his profession, where the ability to discern subtle flavors is both an art and a science.
