John Schnatter

In celebrity insurance, John Schnatter, the CEO of Papa John's, is an extraordinary exception. While most celebrities opt to insure body parts that hold personal value or possess unique capabilities, Schnatter has made a distinctive choice – to safeguard his hands. These hands, which skillfully toss pizza dough, artfully scatter toppings, and expertly spread sauces, are pivotal in the pizza-making world.

The insurance coverage for John Schnatter's hands is nothing short of staggering, amounting to an impressive $15.3 million. Lloyds of London stands ready to provide coverage in case of loss or damage to his hands. This unconventional insurance choice underscores Schnatter's exceptional role in the pizza industry. While it may be uncommon to find individuals in this field insuring their body parts, Schnatter's hands are no ordinary pair; they are the masterful instruments behind the creation of pizzas beloved worldwide.
