Drinking at Dinner Every Night
If your partner drinks every day, this can be a problem. Credit: Shutterstock

24. Drinking

Many individuals regard beer or wine to be "natural" when consumed with dinner. Some couples have made drinking a part of their relationship. For instance, they might enjoy visiting breweries and vineyards every weekend. As a result, it's possible that this lasted well beyond their twenties. They claim that drinking a beer at supper helps them "take the edge off" their work-related stress. Most individuals would not consider a single beer or glass of wine with dinner to be alcoholic. However, when you frequently drink, it's tough to comprehend how much it harms you and how much you rely on it. Drinking makes you irritated, exhausted and makes it difficult for you to sleep. It also causes you to gain weight and yields a variety of health problems.

It's far more challenging to handle your emotions in a healthy way when you drink. Being intoxicated (or even a little drunk) frequently exacerbates conflicts. It shuts down your brain rather than tapping into what's genuinely going on emotionally. According to Chinese medicine, alcohol contains many "fire" energy, burning your qi, or spiritual force. However, this isn't always a terrible thing. It's all about striking the right balance. Chinese medicine practitioners will tell you that it's a good idea to drink now and then if you don't have enough fiber in your body. On the whole, it's acceptable if you and your partner go out for drinks on weekends. However, it may result in disputes and, in the worst-case scenario, divorce if it occurs every night.
