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A woman wants a partner, not a man-child. Credit: Shutterstock

29. Never Clean Up

Unfortunately, some people were raised to never clean up after themselves by their parents. Perhaps they were raised by a mother who cleaned up after them until they reached eighteen. Then they went to college, where they shared a dorm with roommates who helped them deal with their mess. They married and expected their wife to follow in their mother's footsteps. Of course, the gender roles may be reversed, but males exhibit this behavior far more frequently. These guys have a moniker for it, believe it or not. They will declare they want a "traditional wife" because they want to be catered to for the rest of their life.

If a woman is more feminist, she will not tolerate this. They may come to a stalemate if their spouse refuses to clean up after himself because he believes it is his wife's "responsibility." Girls do not like to be treated like children by their partners. They're looking for a man who can take care of himself as an adult. So, unless you find a perfectly content woman to play the traditional role, you need to learn to clean up after yourself. Ideally, it would help if you talked about this before getting married, rather than waiting until you're divorced.
