Handing Over the Reins

Merely 12 days after narrowly surviving the assassination attempt, Torrio, while returning home from a shopping trip, fell victim to a barrage of bullets. Severely wounded, he clung to life but was profoundly shaken. It became clear that his days as the leader of the burgeoning Italian gang were numbered. While this was a poignant moment for those who respected and revered him as a father figure, it paved the way for Al Capone to ascend to power.

The harrowing event prompted Torrio to reevaluate his life, ultimately realizing that bootlegging riches paled compared to the value of his existence. Torrio decided to pass the mantle of leadership to Capone, his trusted confidant. At the age of 26, Capone assumed control of the nation's largest bootlegging operation, and it soon became evident that his leadership style was marked by ruthless determination, devoid of the same measured tactics as his predecessor, Torrio.
