2. Persimmons may cause intestinal blockage.
Persimmons, while not technically a stone fruit, can cause blockages in dogs, tiny canines. These fruits are sweet and slick, so they may appear to be a tasty treat. However, owners should be aware of the potential for the seeds and pit to cause damage to the intestinal tract. Before giving a persimmon to your dog, make sure to break it up and remove any potential hazards. Only one item remains on our list, and it is a trendy one! Continue reading to learn about the final toxic food for your dog.
In moderation, this treat can be a healthy source of Vitamin A and C. However, if your dog ingests the pit or seeds, its intestines may get obstructed, resulting in catastrophic symptoms. Vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, and dehydration are all possible symptoms.