Mushrooms can produce deadly results.
The wrong kind of mushrooms can lead to an emergency vet visit. Credit: Shutterstock

9. Mushrooms can produce deadly results.

Depending on the kind of wild mushrooms that grow near your home, you may want to steer your dog away from the free-range fungi on your next stroll. Mushrooms have been found to be eaten by pets in yards and on walks. While 99 percent of mushrooms have low to no toxicity, the 1% that are very toxic to pets can create life-threatening complications. Pets should be kept away from areas where mushrooms may be growing.

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Symptoms of mushroom poisoning vary depending on the species. Mushrooms are divided into four categories, with Category A being the most harmful. By killing cells in the body, they can cause renal and liver failure. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, convulsions, and coma are some of the symptoms. If you suspect your dog has eaten a wild mushroom, call your veterinarian right away.
