Yeast can lead to serious health problems in dogs such as weakness, seizures and even a coma. Pixabay

14. The bloating and discomfort that comes from yeast dough

Yeast present in the dough will release toxic amounts of ethanol into the bloodstream if ingested. Make sure that small pieces don't fall on the floor for your dog to eat. If you see symptoms such as central nervous system depression, weakness, hypothermia, seizures, unsteady gait or intoxication, and coma from your pet, contact your veterinarian. for follow-up advice.

Photo Credit: Daily Telegraph

Notably, when baking, keep an eye on your dog. Make sure they don't lick the yeast around the baking area. If the dog accidentally ingests bread dough, the yeast will continue to make the dough rise while in the stomach. Eventually, cause mimicking pressure and cause bloating.
