Garlic powder raises your heart rate.
Garlic can also cause anemia in dogs and should not eat garlic under any circumstances. Pixabay

26. Garlic powder raises your heart rate.

Garlic is bad enough for your breath, but you should avoid feeding it to your dog for other reasons as well. Garlic has been touted as a natural treatment for heart disease and excessive cholesterol. However, it is toxic to dogs. Garlic, like onions, belongs to the Allium family of vegetables, and if taken by your dog, it can induce hemolytic anemia. Garlic powder should be avoided as well. You should keep garlic, onions, and other similar vegetables out of reach of pets.

Garlic powder raises your heart rate.
Photo Credit: Foods Guy

Dogs aren't aware that they aren't permitted to eat these, so make sure your kitchen cupboards are pet-proofed to keep your pet safe. Breathlessness, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as pale or muddy colored gums, rapid breathing, and a raised heart rate, are all possible symptoms. If you suspect your dog has been poisoned, keep an eye on its signs and contact your veterinarian to schedule a checkup.
