All parts of the onion plant are considered toxic and should be avoided at all costs. Pixabay

27. Onions contain a chemical that might create a variety of issues for your dog.

These tear-jerking delicacies are known for giving people foul breath, but the veggie is toxic to dogs. Onions contain a hazardous chemical called N-propyl disulfide, which causes red blood cell disintegration. Because it promotes hemolysis and lowers the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen, its consumption can cause anemia in dogs.

Onions contain a chemical that might create a variety of issues for your dog.
Photo Credit: How Stuff Works

Because onion powder is far more robust than fresh onions, it can be dangerous to your dog. Some of the symptoms are lethargy, a loss of appetite, pale gums, weakness, fainting, and scarlet urine. Onion toxicity can also include vomiting, an increased heart rate, and panting. To stop this from happening, keep your onion powder out of the way.
