In dogs, nutmeg promotes constipation.
What makes nutmeg dangerous is that it contains myristicin, which is very poisonous to dogs. Pixabay

28.In dogs, nutmeg promotes constipation.

Nutmeg is a popular baking spice that is frequently used in many handmade dishes. It gives out a pleasant holiday scent that pervades an entire kitchen. Although the creamy, nutty aroma is appealing, veterinarians advise against giving it to a man's best friend. Myristicin, a chemical found in nutmeg, is poisonous. There are almost no indications in low doses.

In dogs, nutmeg promotes constipation.
Photo Credit: Royal Canin

Nutmeg, however, can produce dizziness, elevated heart rate, blood pressure, hallucinations, dry mouth, abdominal pain, and seizures if ingested in large amounts. Symptoms can continue up to 48 hours, and the severity is typically determined by the size and overall condition of the dog. Keep an eye on it and contact your veterinarian if you suspect your dog may require medical attention.
