Rhubarb has the potential to upset the digestive tract.

33. Rhubarb has the potential to upset the digestive tract.

When chewed or consumed, rhubarb is a herbaceous perennial that can cause pain and inflammation. Because the soluble calcium oxalate crystals create pain in the dog's system, dogs that ingest more significant amounts of the plant material may become poisoned.

Rhubarb has the potential to upset the digestive tract.
Photo Credit: Napa Valley Register

They could also be suffering from renal failure, which is difficult for your dog to recover. The signs and symptoms are blood in the urine, cardiac arrhythmia, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, hoarse barking, excessive drooling, unconsciousness, kidney failure, laborious breathing, and pawing or rubbing the face. Many of these signs and symptoms will be seen right away. Starfruit, shamrocks, and wood sorrel are examples of plants that can induce this form of poisoning.
