Avocados can be dangerous to dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Avocado. Pixabay

38. Avocados can be dangerous to dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Avocado is another fruit that might cause problems for dogs. Persin, a fungicidal toxin found in avocado leaves, bark, and skin, can cause significant health problems in dogs. Persin in large amounts can cause gastric problems in dogs. Avocado pulp consumption can cause pancreatitis in dogs with delicate digestive systems.

Avocados can be dangerous to dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Photo Credit: The Smart Canine

According to several doctors, the pit does not break down well in a dog's digestive tract. It has the potential to induce a gastric or intestinal blockage, which it must treat very away. The avocado pit must be surgically removed, similar to how a rock, rubber ball, or another indigestible object that your dog has tried to eat must be removed. Your dog will also require additional healing time following the surgery.
