Termites are a form of termite.
Photo Credit: wk1003mike/Shutterstock

23. Termites are a form of termite.

Termites can be a nightmare to have in your house. They eat the wood within your walls, causing harm to the beams that support your home. Termites usually only consume wet lumber. They typically occur when there is a hole in your roof, driving your home's wood to rot. As a result, termites are never a single issue but rather a symphony of problems.

 Termites are a form of termite.
Photo Credit: Surachet Jo/Shutterstock

Don't know where to look for them? Around the baseboards, these filthy animals generally leave piles of sand and wood shavings. And if you see these piles accompanied by bugs that resemble ants with wings, you know they're termites. If you're being careful and trying to keep termites from getting into your walls, the average pest control treatment would cost $120 to $150 a year. However, if they are already present, it will cost between $500 and $600. If, on the other hand, the issue has been ignored for years, it might be necessary to spend thousands of dollars repairing holy wooden beams.
