The septic system
Photo Credit: KaliAntye/Shutterstock

29. The septic system

In most rural areas, homes have their septic system because they are too far apart to connect to the city's sewers. If this happens to the house you are buying; you will be responsible for pumping it. A professional company must do this. It only costs $ 100 to $ 200 to pump it up, and you can do it once a year or every two years.

The septic system
Photo Credit: Hamik/Shutterstock

Until you exhale a sigh of relief, keep in mind that the local Environmental Protection Agency's policies might have changed. They can require you to repair the septic system if the house is located near a nature reserve. This can cost up to $ 10,000 before you are allowed to flush the toilet! Always have an inspector review the septic system before you buy a property.
