Carry a large bag or backpack
Credit: Pixabay

25. Buy with significant quality

The positive thing about buying in bulk from places like Costo and Sam Club is that, instead of purchasing several boxes or bags of the same product, you can get large amounts of food in one pack. For example, if you can buy a vast sized Seracha bottle that lasts all year, it will produce less waste than buying three bottles in the same period. The same goes for buying bulk toilet paper, paper towels, and just about everything you might imagine. The bulk goods are also much cheaper, in addition to benefiting the environment.

 Carry a large bag or backpack
Credit: Shutterstock

Purchasing in bulk can also be great to reload your current packaging. For example, you can buy a glass oil container and a jumbo-sized olive oil bottle. Every time the small bottle drops, you can refill it from your more giant bottle. This same concept applies to liquid hand soaps, and you can even get a bottle of rechargeable shampoo and conditioner installed in your shower.
