reduce waste tips: Use Silicone Mats and Wax Wrap
Credit: Pixabay

9. Use Silicone Mats and Wax Wrap

You probably already know that parchment or aluminum foil is often used in the kitchen. However, they will be discarded after each meal. Now imagine if every family is doing this, and how much garbage will be. A great reusable alternative to foil and paper is the purchase of silicone baking mats. These items are safe to place in the oven, and they will ensure that your food does not stick to the cookie sheet.

reduce waste tips: Use Silicone Mats and Wax Wrap
Credit: Amazon

As an alternative to plastic wrap, you can buy a wax wrap, which you can clean in the sink and reuse multiple times. Alternatively, you can start using glass containers, which will last for a few years.
